We're so excited about the SC arena show we just had to get a sneak peek of the action! Its hard to imagine just how much work goes into creating a show like the SC arena spectacular. We were lucky enough to attend one of the rehearsals, so not only did we get a sneak peek at the show, we also witnessed just how hard everyone (from the talented SC girls to the tireless crew to the magnificent horses) works to make the show come together. At the rehearsal, the girls were a mix of excitement, nervousness and exhaustion! Here's what they had to say in the lead up to the show ...
"We've never performed in front of so many people before. Lara and I performed together at Equtina and I thought it was a lot of people but it doesn't even compare to this!" - Kia
"I hope I can turn the nervousness into energy. Rather than getting quiet and afraid sometimes I get an an energy boost when I'm nervous, like an adrenaline rush. So, I think the nervousness can be helpful." - Keenan
"We're riding everyday so our bums are getting sore." - Kia
The Saddle Club reveal all about their new CD.
SC: Tell us about the new album Secrets and Dreams
Kia: This new album is a double-CD. The first CD is stuff that the three girls have recorded and the second one is new versions of favourite songs.
Keenan: There's a cool remix of "Hello World" and a funky version of a song I did called "Perfect Boy."
SC: Do any of you have funny habits in the studio?
Lara: I always start laughing when we're recording!
Keenan: Lara holds her headphones in a funny way. She cups her hands over them and tips her head to the side - its really cute.
Sophie: And I hate wearing shoes when I'm singing.
Keenan: Actually I think we all take our shoes off!
Lara: Yeah, we do!
Sophie: I'm always leaving my shoes behind! Like "Where are my shoes?" And they're right in front of me!
Keenan: Its just more comfy I guess.
Grahame Ware has a job most of us can only dream about: he owns, trains and cares for the Saddle Club horses! "I'm the owner of all the Saddle Club horses. My job is to train them and get them prepared to work on the set."The horses selected for the Saddle Club are typical Pony Club horses. The breeds we use are Thoroughbreds, Quarter horses, Stock horses and Shetland ponies. When we film, the cast horses that the Saddle Club girls ride have doubles. These horses perform dangerous stunts in really tight situations like jumping a fence, rearing high in the air of performing dangerous falls at a gallop."Quite a few of the horses from the TV show worked on the recent SC arena show to. Belle, Prancers, Starlight, Garnet, Barq, Angel, Diablo, Comanche and three rustlers horse's Dusty, Annie and Penny all took part."
When we were offered the opportunity to photography the SC girls with Prancer, Belle, Starlight and Diablo we were really excited but a little bit nervous too. One horse we could probably manage but FOUR? We had visions of horses wandering in all different directions or getting camera-shy and not wanting to be photographed at all. But we needn't have worried, with Grahame Ware, the SC horse master on hand the shoot went perfectly. When the girls were ready, Grahame led out Prancer, Belle and Starlight. As Keenan, Lara and Sophie walked them around the stable a jealous Diablo bucked in his stall. But Grahame assured us he was just jealous of all the attention the other horses were getting and at once Diablo got his moment in the spotlight he'd be just fine. Sure enough, as soon as the stall door opened, Diablo settled down and posed perfectly for the camera. It only took the slightest hand gesture from Grahame and Diablo would raise or lower his head to suit the photo. As you can see from our cover, he's a born star!