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Find here all the horses of The Saddle Club and learn more about them.

Starlight’s original name is Pretty Boy. He is buckskin and Trakehner with a blaze. He is owned by Carole, who bought him with the money her mother gave to her just before she passed away. Starlight is a calm horse but can be bully sometimes. He is about six to seven years old. He is really affectionate and close to Carole. He always listen to her and understand her without she needs to tell him.


Belle was first called No-Name by her owner Chelsea Owens. She is a beautiful Arabian black mate who now belongs to Stevie. Chelsea gave Belle to her after she understood they were made for each other. For a while, she lived in nature, when she escaped from Chelsea’s. Stevie names her Belle after The Phantom Horse in Max’s story. She is seven years old and one of the strongest horses at Pine Hollow. Despite that, she is calm and always listen to Stevie

Prancer is a beautiful three years old mare. She was a racehorse, owning by David McLeod and often ridden by Carole for exercise. Then, because of her ligament problem and a fed-up, David McLeod wanted to sold her for slaughter. Thanks to The Saddle Club, she escaped and belongs now to Pine Hollow. She is often ridden by Lisa who doesn’t own her horse yet. Prancer is a chestnut Thoroughbred with white socks, a star and a spot on her nose as well. She is a really energised mare, but one of the best when it comes to jumping.


Garnet is Veronica’s new horse after Cobalt’s death. She is a seven years old chestnut Arabian mare such as Belle. She is a well-trained dressage horse who made a lot of competition already. She is also an amazing jumper. We can see in her gait that she is a purebred mare. Garnet has to face with all Veronica’s whims, but her temperament is really calm and control. She was trained very well by her old owners, and is by far, one of the best trained horses at Pine Hollow

Comanche is a nine years old bay gelding with a white blaze. When Max’s father died, this one took over Pine Hollow and bought Comanche. He is one of the horses that are at Pine Hollow for a while now. He is afraid of thunderstorms and mud puddles. Comanche is one of the best horses to ride. He has a good temperament, he is calm and sweet, but difficult as he is afraid of everything. At Pine Hollow, he is often ridden by Stevie until she gets Belle and Sam as well.


Patch is the favorite horse of the new riders of Pine Hollow. He is a twelve years old brown and white pinto skewbald gelding. As he is calm, small, stays focused, doesn’t get too fast and doesn’t get spooked easily, Max chose him to be the ping all the students learn to ride on. His nickname is “Push-Button Patch”. Lisa rode Patch until Max let her having Prancer

Cobalt is a beautiful black Thoroughbred stallion, owned by Veronica. But she didn’t care about him. She was just proud because he was the most expensive horse of Pine Hollow and Willow Creek. She let Red take care of him. Cobalt was one of the most talented horses of the pony club, and a skilled jumper. He was brave and proud, hot-tempered and nice. He died at six years old because of Veronica. She pushed him too hard and he couldn’t be totally saved. He should have spent his life in a paddock, stopping competition but he couldn’t have supported this, so Dr Judy Barker had to put him down.



Delilah or “The Pine Hollow flirt”, as The Saddle Club calls her, is a beautiful Palomino Thoroughbred mare. She belongs to Max, as he rides her often. Before having Starlight, Carole used to ride her as well. Delilah was bred to Cobalt, and had a foal, Samson. This nine years old mare is sweet and calm most of the time but she can also be tempered. In “Flying Change”, she got mastitis


Samson is Delilah’s and Cobalt’s cute foal. He was born during season 1. Carole chose his name, and referred him as the Bible’s story of Samson and Delilah. This young foal is intrepid. When his mother got mastitis, he was first fed by Melanie, but then, had to be fed with a tube by Dr Judy Barker. He is a bay Thoroughbred colt.



Barq is a beautiful Arabian gelding and Max’s horse. Originally owned by Mrs Reg. He was going to be putting down by his owner when Mrs Reg saves him and bought him for Max. Since this day, Barq became Max’s favorite horse and one of the best Pine Hollow has ever had. He is mostly ridden by Kristi or Mrs Reg when she rides. This ten years old horse is calm and sweet


Pepper’s first name was Clyde. He is a grey Appaloosa mustang horse, saved from poachers by Max’s father when he was young. At Pine Hollow, he is mostly ridden by Sam. He mothers name was Licorice. This twenty eight years old horse now lives with Bud, due to the fact that he’s getting to old to be ridden. Bud helped Licorice when she went into labour and had a difficult time, plus he took care of Pepper when he was a foal. A lot of students at Pine Hollow, including Stevie, learned how to ride on Pepper.



Teddy is Phil’s horse. He is a Palomino American quater horse. He is a part of Cross County Pony Club and sometimes goes to Pine Hollow with Phil. He is afraid really easily such as when he hears loud noises, but he is a nice horse. He is friend with Belle 



Dime is a little white pony at Pine Hollow. Don’t get caught by his cute appearance because he is really all but cute. Dime is tempered. He throws riders as much as possible, bites them...He is ridden by Ashley and Melanie.


Higgins is a beautiful bay horse Max buys. Carole has to take care of him but he is stealing by Veronica


Atlas is Greg’s beautiful dark black horse. He has the figure of a champion. He is boarded at Cross County with Teddy, as Greg takes his ridding lessons there.



Hugo is Dorothée’s grey Andalusian horse. He is from France. Hugo has white socks, a crescent of A brand and a moon mark on his hindquarters. He has an accident with Dorothée during a competition and was left by her for a long time when she didn’t wanted to ride anymore. He comes to Pine Hollow with her, as a wish of her parents, who hope, that will help her fighting her fear. Hugo is the best champion of France. He is really calm


Lady-Louise is Mr Cowlin’s black mare. She is often alone. She becomes friend with Diablo.


Napoleon named after Napoleon Bonaparte is a lesson horse at Pine Hollow

Nomad is Mrs Marsten’s horse. As she looks like Garnet, Phil and The Saddle Club switch her with this one, to teach Veronica a lesson. Nomad is impulsive, energised and can have a wild side sometimes.



Angel is the most playful pony ever. Every time someone rides her, she runs away with him. She resides at Pine Hollow for a while as Res has to solve her problem. The trap with this pony is that she looks really cute and calm, so people want to ride her


Diablo is a Friesian horse, owned by Rafael. He is the definition of liberty. This big beautiful horse is free whenever he wants because Rafael doesn’t think a horse should be owned by someone, but is his own master. Despite that, Diablo always return to Rafael. They share a special bond. Diablo likes Mary-Louise. Because of that, Neville and his father arranged for Rafael to leave Willow Creek. As he didn’t have money anymore, he had to sell Diablo. He was bought by Mrs Atwood for Lisa. But she let him free as she knew it was what the wild stallion and Rafael wanted. Diablo is a super traines and strong horse as well.



Penny is a cute Haflinger pony always by Dime’s side. She is ridden by Megan and loves to make some foolery like Dime

Nickel is Pine Hollow’s favorite pony. She is a cute grey pony. Nice and sweet, she is perfect for beginners.



Windsong is a Thoroughbred racehorse, who belongs to Veronica for a while. He is super trained and has the figure of a champion. He is trained by Ethan Lowell Jr. This beautiful chestnut horse is allergic to natural remedies and needs a special treatment. Unfortunately, he couldn’t compete the Bridgemont Cup after he went into anaphylaxis because of Ethan. And he has to be sold because Mr Angelo didn’t have enough money to keep him


Bert is David’s horse. She resides at David’s pony club but as they have to rebuild the barn, he has to stay at Pine Hollow for some time. He is a difficult horse who is troublesome and likes to slide the bolt on his stall door, open it and leave. He once get into a fight with Starlight as they are in the same paddock.



Eddie is a cute little brown and white pony, boarded at Pine Hollow. Students often make fun of him because he is a big fat. But Eddie is a cute pony, kinda playful. Jenna really loves him. He is mostly ridden by kids but was ridden once by Carole and once by Deborah


Pandora is owned by Mrs Sharlow but is boarded at Pine Hollow.


Doc is Andrea’s horse. Well trained and obedient, he always get nervous after a long ride in the trailer. As a champion, Doc executes the movements to perfection


Storm is a Thoroughbred gelding who lives in a refuge for a while. He was abused by his old owner. He becomes the first foster horse at Pine Hollow, thanks to Red and Lisa. He can be dangerous and violent but in fact, it’s only because he is afraid of humans. His past broke him. Because of that, he was about to be putting down before Lisa saved him. Storm loves carrots. Originally, he is mostly calm and a great horse. Thanks to Lisa and Red, he learned how to not be afraid anymore. He is now adopted by Bill Roth.


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