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Know more about Lara and Lisa

Updated: Apr 18, 2019

Roller Coaster Interview


How do u feel about singing live? Is it scary or fun? I love the crowd looking up to us as like idols and everything and just being so gorgeous and so supportive of our music and everything. It’s so comfortable to be up on stage knowing that everyone likes you and what you’re doing for them.

In what ways do you relate to your characters [Lisa Atwood in The Saddle Club] in real life? I think because I know my character really well and I know her probably the best out of everyone because I’ve been acting her for so long, that I seem to get some of her personality with me. And I think I have some qualities that are the same as her, like I’m a bit of a romantic and so is she.

What house at Hogwarts do you think your character would be sorted into and why? I think I can be a bit of a ‘cheek-ster’ out of the show, so I might be put in Slytherin.

What’s on your CD player at the moment? Kylie Minogue, “A Walk To Remember” soundtrack, Silverchair…Abba!

If you were a type of horse, what would you be and why? I want to be a colourful horse… Then I would like to be a spray-painted horse (laughs)… But anyway, probably just a chestnut, just like Prancer.

What is the scariest ride you have been on? And what sort of face do you think you made? I’ll have to take off my sunglasses! Okay, I’m on Terror Tower and I totally freaked before and I started crying because I really didn’t want to go on it but I was already locked in my chair. And so I was really scared, so I was hanging onto my cousin and I went like this (pulls face).

Describe the best and worst things about being back on set of The Saddle Club.

The best thing about being back on set with The Saddle Club would have to be seeing all the people from last series, seeing the new people and getting to know them, and of course filming. I couldn’t say I have a bad thing about [being back on set] except all the early mornings I have to get up at, but it’s for the love of acting.

How would you describe your character and do you have any major differences to her?

I think I am very much like Lisa. Lisa has a lot of ideas and believes in herself. She loves horses and would rather hurt herself than her friends. She always cares for people in need. She is a little romantic, and always falls in love. I am a lot like her, but she is a bit of a worry wart at times - I’m not!

Describe your dream horse.

In the second series there is a gypsy boy and he has a black horse that is just beautiful. I would love to have that horse! I would love to have a horse that has a mind of its own. It would love you and would do anything for you.

Give a rundown of a typical day on set.

We get to the set, get dressed, get our make-up put on, then go on set, run through our lines. Then we would start the rehearsal, then go for a take - there are many takes! They would do wide-shots, singles, two-shots and this would happen with all the scenes. Then maybe we’d have lunch then after a few more scenes, we would have afternoon tea. After the whole day of full-on work we would [finish], go home, do our lines for the next day and go to sleep.

Using 5 words, describe the personalities of each of your co-stars. Is there anyone who is the practical joker of the crowd? What jokes do they play?

Keenan MacWilliam: Funny, brilliant, trickster, loving, supportive. Sophie Bennett: Kind, caring, crazy, generous, affectionate. Kia Luby: Wild, friendly, laughing, special, by-your-side kind of person. Heli Simpson: Independent, focused, sharing, bold, witty.

Explain the bond between yourself and your horse. Do you get on?

Rocky and I (Rocky is Prancer’s real name) get along fine. I love him very much and I respect him and he respects me. We have a great friendship and I don’t want to leave him. I want to take him home!

You sang a song for Saddle Club. What was it like singing, do you have any past experience with singing, and is it something you want to do in the future?

I [have loved] singing ever since I was little. I had been putting on concerts for my family. I was one of those girls who would sing to Beatles songs in the mirror with a hair-brush! I have been in quite a few stage productions and would love to do some more.

What do you hope you’ll be doing 10 years from now?

I hope to become a big star like Nicole Kidman because I absolutely love acting - it’s my passion. I would be so thrilled when I’m older to do what Nicole Kidman did and sing in a movie and act (the movie was Moulin Rouge). I’d do anything I can to be an actor!


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